Ocean Climate Action Plan

Join the movement and sign the petition to support the
Ocean Climate Action Plan!

Blue Frontier has partnered with the Center for the Blue Economy to bring together thought leaders from across industry, government, academia, and the conservation community with a goal of crafting the Ocean Climate Action Plan or OCAP.  The plan, with its growing support, will provide the template for some of the first ocean climate legislation and policy actions in U.S. history, beginning in 2021. We have over 100 signatories who support the OCAP.

Please join the movement and use our OCAP Social Media/Outreach Toolkit.

October 20 PRESS RELEASEThe House Bill: 
A Major Advance for National Ocean Climate Action

July 13 PRESS RELEASE – Ocean Climate Action Plan offers Cure for Post-Pandemic Economy with Solutions for Climate Emergency

July 13, 2020   

Adds Missing Pieces to House Climate Change Framework

The Center for the Blue Economy and Blue Frontier just issued a unique, comprehensive, Ocean Climate Action Plan (OCAP) —offering a cure for the battered post-pandemic economy and solutions for the climate emergency. Many of these recommendations appear in the new Democratic climate plan, however, OCAP adds additional and practical solution-oriented proposals that go beyond the current Democratic thinking.  

For more information see our Press Kit with videos, logos and photos.

Why do we need an Ocean Climate Action Plan?

3 Minutes to Inspire a Movement

OCAP Webinar:  April 29, 2020

For the full version of the webinar please click here.

Want to see a certain section or speaker?  Click this OCAP webinar navigation document for start & end times of each section, and click on the names in the document for bio links of speakers.  

More on the OCAP

How a Blue New Deal charts a course for a sustainable sea change, Greenbiz

The Perfect Storm Approaches, The Nation

An Ocean Climate Action Plan for a New Blue Economy, Our Daily Planet

Putting the Blue in the Green New Deal, Mongabay

Diving into an Ocean Climate Action Plan, Alert Diver

The Ocean Climate Action Summit: From California Consensus to a National “Blue New Deal”, Center for the Blue Economy

A Blue New Deal for a Blue Marble Planet, Mission Blue

Blue Frontier
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