
May 11, 2015 – Monday – Carnegie – 6:00pm – 10:00pm

Monday May 11, 2015

Carnegie Institution for Science
1530 P St. NW
Washington, DC 20005

Blue Mind Seminar – 9AM – 4PM with Wallace J. Nichols

** This is a separate event, to find out more information and to register please go to:—blue-mind-5-summit.html

Celebration of the Seas

Carnegie Institution for Science

An evening of music, art, and film for the ocean. Enjoy to a panel of artists on the ocean, listen to some music about fish, take in a photo exhibit or watch a few short films.

Musical performance by Mark Holmes (Theater)

Building Movements (Theater)
How the Marine community can become a viable social movement representing the blue in our red, white and blue and how citizen organizing and elected allies in government and business can help make this happen.

Speakers: Ralph Nader, Representative Sam Farr, Roger Berkowitz CEO Legal Sea Foods
Moderator: David Helvarg – Blue Frontier

Sharks: Elegance in Black & White
Filmed by Richard Theiss; from RTSea Productions

Exploration & Conservation (Theater)
How explorers are able to advance the cause of marine protection while inspiring new generations of ocean lovers

Speakers:  Fabien Cousteau, Paul Rose, National Geographic
Moderator: Liz Smith, Conservation Media Group

8:00 – 10:00PM
Photo Exhibit (Ballroom & Rotunda)
High Seas Alliance & the International League of Conservation Photographer

8:00 – 10:00PM
Films (Theater)
Presented by BLUE Ocean Film Fest

8:30 – 9:30PM
Writers for the Sea – Authors Book Signing

With Wallace J. Nichols, David Helvarg, Dr. Judith Weis, John Horwitz, Chris Palmer, James Nestor, Tim Beatley, Serge Dedina, and Bruce Becker

May 12, 2015 – Tuesday- Carnegie – 8:00am – 6:30pm

Tuesday May 12, 2015

8:00 AM
Registration (Lobby)
Refreshments (Ballroom & Rotunda)

9:00- 9:30AM
Welcome Address (Theater)

Moderator: David Helvarg, Blue Frontier – Sponsors welcomes

Keynote Addresses

Admiral Paul Zukunft, Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard
Dr. Kathy Sullivan, Administrator, NOAA
Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson, Executive Director, Waitt Institute

Comfort Break

Living With a Changing Coast and Ocean: (Theater)
Human impacts on the coast and ocean including pollution, coastal sprawl and climate change mean we have to adapt as well as find effective means to restore our living seas and coastlines. How we can do this will be the topic of our opening plenary

Speakers: Jonathan Henderson,Gulf Restoration Network, NYC Councilman Donovan Richards, Beth Kerttula ,National Ocean Council Director
Moderator: Monica Medina, National Geographic

12:05- 1:20PM
Offshore Oil – Coming Soon to a Coast Near You (if we let it): (Theater)

The Administration and some in Congress seek to open up much of the Atlantic coast and Arctic Ocean to oil drilling, despite the dangers that acoustic exploration and drilling pose to marine ecosystems and coastal communities, the need to transition away from fossil fuels and the promise of offshore wind energy in the Atlantic. This plenary will help define the battle to stop offshore testing and promote clean energy.

Speakers: Michael Stocker, Executive Director, Ocean Conservation Research, Johnny Miller, Vice Mayor, City of San Fernandina Beach, Florida, Dr. Stephanie McClellan, Director, Special Initiative on Offshore Wind, University of Delaware
Moderator: Jacqueline Savitz, Vice President U.S. Oceans, Oceana
Organizer: Lara Levison: Oceana

1:20 PM
Lunch & Networking

2:15-3:25PM (Breakout Sessions)
Youth Leadership (Theater)

Students and youth are not our movement’s future leaders but today’s partners in promoting solutions to the existential threats facing our blue planet. This panel will reflect their range of approaches.

Panelists: Sean Russell, Stow it, Don’t Throw It, Jessie Floyd, NY Harbor School Student NY, Lauren Mae Henry, Surfrider Foundation, Kelli Frank, Teens4Oceans, Katie Allen, Algalita Marine Research & Education
Moderator: Danni Washington, Ocean Advocate, Video presenter

Future of Fish & Fishing (Ballroom)
Will the future of marine wildlife including edible fish, shellfish and seaweeds be one of depletion and food insecurity or sustainability and marine biodiversity?

Speakers: Jeremy Jackson, Scripps, Leesa Cobb, Port Orford Ocean Resource Team, Bren Smith, Thimble Island Oyster Co and GreenWave.
Moderator: Phil Kline: Greenpeace

Fundraising (Boardroom)
Author, Filmmaker and Educator Chris Palmer will address how to work with individual donors to create the kind of dynamic partnerships needed to build a stronger blue movement.

State Organizing (Mayor’s Room)
Mike Gravitz of Marine Conservation Institute will talk about the days and months after Healthy Ocean Hill Day and how we build the kind of ‘field campaigns’ needed at the state level to let our elected leaders know the ocean matters.

3:30-4:40PM (Breakout Sessions)
Marine Protected Areas and Sanctuaries (Theater)

Protecting both large swaths of pristine seas and unique coastal ocean spaces where people live and work provides a great opportunity to protect the biodiversity of our seas. This panel will reflect the latest trends.

Speakers: Jackie Dragon, Greenpeace, Dan Basta, NOAA, Dirk Rosen, MARE
Moderator: Michael Sutton, VP, Pacific National Audubon Society

The Blue Economy (Ballroom)
Understanding and communicating the links between healthy seas and a healthy coastal (and inland) economy are essential to expanding our constituency. This panel will address these needs including from the perspectives of some unique sectors of the economy: aquaculture, ports and shipping.

Speakers: Dr. Judith Kildow, Center for the Blue Economy, Mark Spalding, The Ocean Foundation, Rick Cameron, Port of Long Beach, Bill Dewey, Taylor Shellfish
Moderator: TBA

How to Tell Your Story Workshop (Boardroom)
This workshop will offer guidance in more effectively communicating your blue issues through use of film, video, social media and your interactions with mainstream media.

Speakers: Chris Palmer, President, One World One Ocean, Center for Environmental Filmmaking, Peter Neill, World Ocean Observatory

Solutions to Pollution (Theater)

The threats from oil, chemical, plastic, nutrient and carbon pollution of our living seas can seem overwhelming. This panel will address solutions being pursued by leading activists

Speakers: Marcus Eriksen, 5 Gyres, Serge Dedina, Founder WildCoast, Mayor Imperial Beach CA., Adena Leibman, Ocean Conservancy
Moderator: David Wilmot, Ocean Champions

Ocean Recreation and Conservation (Ballroom)
Ocean recreation is not only the largest outdoor activity in the nation but a huge driver of the economy. This panel will address how conservationists and ocean recreation industries can more effectively work together to protect and restore our last great salty wilderness.

Speakers: Pete Stauffer, Surfrider Foundation, Laurie Wilson, Blue Ocean Network, Alison Nolan, Boston Harbor Cruises, Susan Shingledecker, VP Boat U.S. Foundation
Moderator: Vicki Nichols Goldstein, Colorado Ocean Coalition

Polar Challenges (Boardroom)
Climate disruption impacts are felt most dramatically at the poles. Whether this leads to greater understanding and protection or a new ‘Cold War’ for exploitable resources in the Arctic and Antarctic is still very much up in the air. This panel will strategies to protect our polar regions and all who depend on them.

Speakers: Admiral Robert J. Papp, State Department, Evan Bloom, State Department, Lisa Speer, NRDC
Moderator: Claire Christian, Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition

Hill Day Prep & Networking Events (Various Locations)

Prepping for Hill Day (Boardroom)
Experienced Capitol Hill advocate Athan Manuel will run through what to expect and useful dos and don’ts for our Hill Day visits on Wed.

Organizer: Athan Manuel, Sierra Club

Blue the Dive/Blue Drinks Reception (Cash Bar)

Black Whiskey Bar
1410 14th St. NW, Washington DC 20005
Sponsored by Colorado Ocean Coalition, Blue the Dive, and Blue Planet Scuba

Who can attend? Divers, snorklers, free divers, swimmers, Blue Vision Summit participants and Cool Blue People

Sign up Dinners – 8:00PM (Various Locations)
Blue Mind Dinner (Location TBD)
Organizer: Wallace J. Nichols

Ocean Noise Pollution & Bioacoustics Dinner (location TBD)
Organizer: Michael Stocker – OCR

Plastic Pollution Dinner (location TBD)
Organizer: Anna Cummins – 5 Gyres

Using Video to Create Change Dinner (location TBD)
Organizer: Liz Smith – Conservation Media Group

If you’re interested in leading a theme dinner or want to spend some time with your state or regional Hill Day delegations over a drink and some food contact us. Sign up sheets for different theme dinners in different restaurants will be available starting at registration.

May 13, 2015 – Wednesday – Hill Day – 8:00am – 7:00pm

8:00 AM
Morning Meeting (House, Room Rayburn B369) Directions

Greeting from Senator Brian Schatz (D HI), Rep. Suzanne Bonamici (D OR) and other ocean champions from the House, Representative Suzaane Bonamici- Oregon 1st, Representative Frank LoBiondo – New Jersey 2nd, Representative Raul Grijalva- Arizon 3rd, and Congressman Jared Huffman.

9:00 AM
Ocean Education Visits (House & Senate Offices)

5:30 PM
Photo Op with Mz. Blue, the 90-foot inflatable Blue Whale, and Hands Across the Sand event (Union Square)

7:00 PM
Evening Party Organized by DC Chapter Surfrider (Public Bar)

Sign up for Healthy Oceans Hill Day!

Join other Blue Vision Summit attendees and ocean advocates when we go up to Capitol Hill on May 13th to meet with Members of Congress about ocean policy.

Send Lauren Townsend, our Healthy Oceans Hill Day Coordinator, a short note to let her know that you want to be a part of Hill Day:

Thursday – May 14, 2015 – Carnegie & Nat Geo – 9:00am – 2:00pm

9:00 AM
Networking Breakfast (Ballroom & Rotunda) Carnegie Institution

10:00 AM
Report Backs & Next Steps (Ballroom)
Share your experience, report back on the meetings. Building your community based blue power. How to build a field campaign and do follow up in districts, thank for meeting, check to see if moving forward. Maintain a focus year round on ocean issues with your elected officials.

Moderators: David Wilmot, Ocean Champions, David Helvarg, Blue Frontier & Healthy Ocean Hill Day Coordinator Lauren Townsend

1:00 PM
Peter Benchley Ocean Awards Seminar (National Geographic Building)

The Ocean in 2050 – The Future, Promises and Solutions

Speakers: HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco, Enric Sala, National Geographic, Coast Guard Vice-Commandant Admiral Peter Neffenger
Moderator: Dr. Sylvia Earle

Thursday Evening – May 14, 2015 – Peter Benchley Ocean Awards

Peter Benchley Ocean Awards

6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
Peter Benchley Ocean Awards Ceremony (Theater)
The preeminent honors for ocean conservation, the 8th Annual Peter Benchley Ocean Awards will be presented during a ceremony at Carnegie. A dinner reception will follow – tickets required.

Excellence in National Stewardship
HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco
Presenter: Enric Sala

Excellence in Science
Dr. Daniel Pauly
Presenter: Jeremy Jackson

Excellence in Policy
Secretary of State John Kerry

Excellence in Media
The Economist

For Youth Activism
Madison ‘Pip’ Stewart (“Shark Girl”)
Presenter: Sylvia Earle
Excellence in Marine Exploration
Nainoa Thompson
Presenter: Senator Brian Schatz
Hero of the Seas
Todd Miller & Dana Beach
Presenter: Cynthia Sarthou

7:30 PM – 10:00 PM
Peter Benchley Ocean Awards Dinner (Ballroom & Rotunda)
An intimate dinner will be held following the ceremony. A dinner ticket is not included with BVS5registration but can be purchased for an additional fee.


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