#theoceanisrising #andsoarewe
Stay Tuned for News and Updates on the 2020 March for the Ocean. 2020 is our chance to put the ocean on the political agenda. Be an ocean hero and help build a Blue Wave to protect our ocean.
On June 9th, 2018, March for the Ocean (M4O) ocean heroes celebrated our global ocean on World Oceans Day weekend to defend our blue frontier. Thousands of citizens, scientists and advocates who marched for a healthier ocean!
Mass events included flotillas, marches, and rallies in the nation’s capital and around the country in order to protect our human and wild communities and restore the blue in our red, white and blue. Blue Frontier Campaign and 200+partners mobilized an inclusive and diverse constituency to ensure we have a healthy ocean and clean water for future generations. You can see M4O’s complete listing of partners here. We invite people of all walks of life to #MarchForTheOcean!
- Sylvia Earle, Mission Blue
- Jean-Michael Cousteau, Ocean Futures Society
- Bill McKibben, 350.org
- Xiuhtezcatl Martinez, Earth Guardians
- Ashland and Philippe Cousteau, EarthEcho International
- Ralph Nader, Nader.org
- Wyland the marine artist, and the list is growing!
Organizations: See M4O partners.
BFC Contact Information:
- David Helvarg, Executive Director