More than 90% of the kelp forests have disappeared along the Northern California Coast
This film will take viewers on a journey of the Sequoias of the Sea and the challenges facing our disappearing sea forests.
Kelp forests cover a quarter of the world’s coastlines, providing food and shelter for thousands of species, while also sequestering carbon from the atmosphere. But over the past decade a third of these forests have been lost across the planet. Along the 350 mile stretch of coastline from San Francisco to the Oregon Border we have lost a striking 95% of kelp forests. While many other important ocean ecosystems are getting attention, such as coral reefs, kelp is the lost forest of the ocean that is disappearing before our eyes.
Learn more about the film here.
Read more about our vanishing kelp forests in this New York Times article by David Helvarg, “Warmer Oceans Threaten Another California Forest, This One Underwater”