In response to a letter sent by 115 ocean leaders to the leading presidential candidates, Secretary Clinton has released a two-page response on what she will do to protect our coast and ocean. With just over two months until the election this marks the first time in the campaign where a candidate has fully addressed the daunting issues confronting America’s public seas.
In her letter on August 27 she lays out a range of solutions she says she will act on if elected including growing the “Blue Economy,” supporting coastal adaptation to climate change, ending international pirate fishing, expanding sustainable and transparent U.S. fishing and seafood practices and ratifying the Law of the Seas Convention that has been held up by the U.S. Senate for over 20 years.
See below for the full letter signed by Hillary Rodham Clinton.
The ocean leaders who signed the letter that she responded to include CEOs of seafood companies and other businesses, directors of major science labs, aquariums and diver organizations, well known ocean explorers, authors, artists, ocean conservationists, members of Congress and former heads of the EPA and NOAA.
“Faced with a cascading series of disasters from overfishing, pollution, loss of habitat and climate disruption, we’re heartened to see Secretary Clinton commit to restoring the blue in our red, white and blue,” said David Helvarg, Executive Director of Blue Frontier the ocean conservation and policy group that initiated the letter to the candidates. “We hope her statement will spark a broader public discussion on the state of the ocean and what citizens can do to turn the tide. We also look forward to learning what Mr. Trump plans to do for our public seas and the communities, both human and wild, that depend on them.”
For more information feel free to contact Blue Frontier:
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