Healthy Ocean Hill Day – May 10, 2017
Healthy Ocean Hill Day gives ocean advocates an opportunity to meet with Members of Congress and/or staffers on Capitol Hill about important legislation and issues that affect our oceans and waterways. This year we will focus on 3 main issues.
We need this Agenda to strengthen the Blue Economy, and address the challenges of a changing ocean and a changing climate. Its key areas are:
- Putting an End to Offshore Drilling by 2030
- Ridding the Ocean of Plastic and Other Forms of Pollution
- Building Coastal Resiliency Through Smart Ecosystem-Based Planning
These priority areas are not to be construed as neglecting or ignoring other critical challenges such as restoring marine wildlife and promoting sustainable fisheries and marine farming, addressing ocean acidification, nutrient pollution and the many other challenges we still face as a maritime nation and blue world. That’s why we hope you’ll join us, Dr. Sylvia Earle, NRDC, Clean Ocean Action, Surfrider Foundation, Greenpeace, Oceana, Colorado Ocean Coalition, and many others at the 6th Blue Vision Summit in Washington D.C. May 9-11.
In 2015, we had more than 130 ‘Healthy Ocean Hill Day’ participants; and our 24 state delegations held 163 Hill meetings with 9 Senators, more than 25 House members and dozens of their staffers. Together, we voiced opposition to new offshore oil drilling in the Atlantic and the Arctic and support for a bipartisan bill against IUU (Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported) fishing and pirate fishing. To learn more about our 2015 Hill Day, continue here.
We need your participation in this year’s Healthy Ocean Hill Day! For more information regarding Hill Day (May 10th), or to sign up, please email Lauren Townsend at